
Classroom-to-Sheets - Integrate classroom details on Google Sheets ✅


⚙️ What it does do?

Classroom-to-Sheets is a google script that connects the Google Sheet with the corresponding Google Classroom account and integrates assignments and class details.


How we built it 👩‍💻

It is built using the:

Google Classroom API
Google Spreadsheet API
Google App Scripts

Setting Up the Project

🚀 Use of Google Cloud

🚀 Use of GitHub

Challenges I ran into 🙁

❗️Getting Started with Google App Scripts: I came accross this amazing platform by Google recently and I found very less projects already made using it. So, it was tough to “stackoverflow” the doubts, and I had to understand everything using the documentation. (Which is more than enough btw!)

❗️Providing Authorization: For a long time, the script was running on debugger but not on sheets. Lately, I found that authorization doesn’t work with Custom Formulas, but with Custom Menu only. So I switched the complete code to Custom Menus.

Accomplishments that I’m proud of 😇

What I learned 🤔

What’s next for Classroom-to-Sheets - Integrate classroom details on Google Sheets ✅

A lot of things can be done with this project.